The Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Learn Is Just How Much You’re Loved By God, Like So Shall You Love In Return

The world desperately seeks true love. Amazon lists more titles that include “love” as a topic or title than any other book. Today, some of the most popular social media platforms, apps and websites are designed to help people find true love. Music is filled with love songs.

The quote by an American singer is one of my favorites. It’s not as romantic and intriguing as it sounds. You’re looking for love in the wrong places… The world is searching for love, but it can’t be found. They will not find lasting love until they reach the cross.

This quote was derived both from Matthew and the passage above.

Jesus tells us that if we love one another in this manner, “all” of them will know that we are His disciples. He doesn’t use the words “might”, “can” or “will” but instead “will”.

We can talk about God’s love, and tell people our beliefs. But that will not be as convincing as our actions of love and care for each other. Jesus said that Christians must love one another in order to have a positive impact on the world. Why does the church have such a small impact? Why can’t we point people to true love, which is what the world desperately needs?

I’d like you to consider a real-life story about Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

He tells how, as a young boy, when his father died, he went to the factory to help support his mother. He stayed with his aunts as well as an uncle who was single. The Baptist aunt was one and the Presbyterian aunt, respectively. The uncle had a bad drinking habit and was an unbeliever. McGee said that after every church service, everyone would eat lunch. McGee stated that at the dinner table we would hear both the Presbyterian and Baptist dirt. McGee told the aunts that they could not convert people to Christ as Christian cannibals. What is that?

The gospel is not heard by many because they are only exposed to gossip.

The world doesn’t see a lot of love. They can’t tell the difference. They have no way to tell if those who claim to be Christians are really Christians.

Paul Washer once preached on 1. John called this series “Tests for true faith”. We will now look at the way John interpreted “my disciple” and its meaning. John concluded that to be a disciple is to truly be born again. A miracle is needed, not just an outward involvement or expression of faith in a particular church. There must also be a transformation within, which can only happen through the Spirit. This transformation can be known by love.

You don’t have to turn there, I will just read them and you can write them down if you are taking notes. You don’t even have to turn around, I’ll simply read the verses and you may take notes.

Love is God’s gift to us. Anyone who loves knows God.

“We know that death has passed and we are now in life because of the love we feel for our brothers.” Anyone who doesn’t love is in death.” – (1 John 3:14)

It is obvious who is of God by their actions.

“Love is God. If you don’t love, then you do not know God.” (1 John 4:8)

“Whoever hates a brother but says they are in the Light is still in Darkness.” Anyone who loves their brother lives in the Light, and there’s no need to stumble.

Jesus tells us in John 13 : 35, “By the love you show to one another, everyone will know that I am your disciple.”

The conclusion that is most clear and straightforward comes from 1. John was saying that everyone should believe in God and that they should trust in the One He sent, which is Jesus.

“And that is His Commandment (singular!) We must love each other and believe in Jesus Christ as his son, just like he has told us.

John sees Jesus’ commandment of love for each other and Jesus’ commandment of belief in him as being inseparable. John calls both of them the same commandment. We must love each other and believe in Jesus Christ, as he commands us.

You will know if you’re a real believer based on your love of others. Are you a true believer? Are you a true disciple? Has Jesus really changed you? John 13:35) They will know “if there is love between you” (John 13). Love is what He meant when he said that it confirms your faith in me.

John 15 has a wonderful explanation of this. When we get there, we’ll go back and review this.


  • saraicantu

    I am a 31-year-old school blogger. I started blogging in 2012 to document my journey through elementary, middle, and high school. I love to write, and I love to share my experiences and thoughts with others.

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