The Theme Of Morality In Tolstoy’s The Death Of Ivan Ilyich And Shawn’s Morality

Leo Tolstoy’s Russian novel The Death of Ivan Ilyich is about a middle-aged man named Ivan who has spent his life climbing the social ladder of a 19th-century society. The story centers on Ivan’s closest friends, his children, wife, and caretaker. Ivan is at the edge of his own death and begins to question his morals. Similar to the above, Morality by Wallace Shawn examines how morality can influence a person’s judgment. Every person should be able to see the world critically and live a life that is critical. Ivan wonders if Ivan deserves suffering for the good things that he did in life.

Ivan cannot stop thinking about the pain and suffering he will have to endure after being diagnosed with a disease. Ivan can’t stop thinking about the pain and suffering he will endure after being diagnosed with a disease. Ivan recognizes that death is inevitable but doesn’t know why. Ivan has a bitter relationship with his children and wife. This bitterness increases as his illness progresses. Gerasim is Ivan’s caregiver and he provides him with comfort. Ivan is kind to Gerasim and he asks him if he deserves it. Ivan’s final moments of the story see him shift from resentment towards his family to feeling sympathy for them. He wonders how they will survive without him.

Morality is defined as the distinction of actions, decisions, or intentions between what is considered appropriate or inappropriate. A moral refers to a person’s beliefs or standards about what is acceptable behavior. Wallace Shawn discusses both of those ideas in his essay, Morality. Wallace Shawn discusses his outlook and morals in his essay Morality. “If we go about our daily lives without stopping to think, we don’t realize the dangers we might be posing to ourselves and others. A rapacious person might be visible if you look in the mirror. Shawn explained that individuals are more likely to overlook the crimes they have committed and not reflect on them.

Leo Tolstoy’s The Death Of Ivan Ilyich and Wallace Shawn’s Morality both address the persistent issue of morality. Ivan considers his views on life and his treatment of others, and wonders if his death was justified.


  • saraicantu

    I am a 31-year-old school blogger. I started blogging in 2012 to document my journey through elementary, middle, and high school. I love to write, and I love to share my experiences and thoughts with others.

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