Did you realize that 50% of Americans age 18 and over will experience a muscular or bone injury, which will require physical therapy each year? This alarming statistic has led to the growth of physical therapy, which introduced new techniques and practices.

You need to be informed about the latest options for physical therapy. Continue reading to find out the top industry predictions for 2021.

Telehealth Services

Telehealth has become more popular since the pandemic. Telehealth relies on wearable technology. It allows therapists to read the patient’s medical records and get other information.

Wearable technology also offers the benefit of engaging people in their recovery process, which makes it easier and faster. Therapists will be able to see how each individual is experiencing therapy through wearable and telehealth. The therapist can see if the patient has difficulties and adjust their treatment accordingly.

It goes beyond video conferencing.

Focus on Diversity Equity, Inclusion (DEI).

Physical therapists will need to be more focused on DEI in 2021.

The Institute of Medicine in 2003 conducted a study on implicit biased, or the unconscious bias we all have that is based upon stereotypes. The study found that implicit biases against groups based on race, age, or other factors can affect the quality and quantity of care they receive.

Physical therapy will be focusing on DEI to counter this bias. This covers all aspects of the profession, from training to hiring.

Physical Therapy can be used to prioritize mental health

In 2020, there were more mental health problems than ever before. Many became isolated and began to depend on alcohol and others.

Physical therapy can have a significant impact on mental health. Studies after studies have shown that physical activity and a healthier lifestyle can improve mental health. It can improve mood and normalize sleep patterns. It can also help with cognitive disorders.

In 2021, there will be an increased emphasis on mental well-being and how emotions and moods can impact the body. This includes holistic therapies and whole-body health care.

Preventive Care

Physical therapy is often used to treat an injury, not prevent it. This is in the process of transitioning.

Many therapists now focus on injury prevention, such as helping elderly people or those with balance problems to avoid falling. For people with severe illnesses, physical therapists may use exercises that strengthen the right body parts to prevent injury.

Because it costs more to treat an injury afterward, preventative therapy can be vital for both the industry as the patient.

Safety of patients in physical therapy

Physical therapists have been committed to patient safety since the beginning, but 2021 will bring a major increase. Since 2020, physical therapists and patients have been required to wear protective gear.

This meant that surfaces were cleaned and virtual services provided. This will all help to prevent the pandemic.

Another concern was data security, given the increase in virtual treatments. In this year’s second quarter, physical therapists and healthcare providers are taking steps to protect their clients’ personal information. As more people use virtual healthcare, patient safety will be a growing concern.

Increased cooperation among physiotherapists

Physical therapists need to be able to identify when patients could benefit from the expertise of another person. Some therapists have specialized areas and can provide better care for specific injuries.

Remember that physical therapy can also have an impact on your entire body. While one physical therapist might be qualified to handle muscular rehabilitation, another therapist may be skilled in dry needling or other therapeutic treatments.

Patients will receive the best possible care if there is more cooperation in 2022.

Artificial Intelligence

Physical therapists perform a lot in the office. AI will make it easier to do this in 2022.

Wearable technology will become more popular with therapists. Artificial intelligence will be used to automate many of their procedures.

They will be able write more quickly clinical notes and have better access to physical therapy guides. This will allow them to choose the best treatment for their patients.

Maximizing Patient Engagement
The likelihood of treatment failing is higher if the patient has difficulty engaging in treatment. Physical therapy can be tedious, painful, repetitive, or even boring.

Gamified rehabilitation options are a great option. Gamified rehab encourages engagement through games. Gamers are more motivated and happier, which makes them want to play more. This means that therapy can continue.

Gamified options often use sensors to detect movement, rather than controllers. The therapists will recommend movements that can affect game play.

To ensure that they are done correctly, the sensors monitor movements. The therapist can offer guidance if they aren’t.


  • saraicantu

    I am a 31-year-old school blogger. I started blogging in 2012 to document my journey through elementary, middle, and high school. I love to write, and I love to share my experiences and thoughts with others.

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